Lease approved

We proposed to grant a road reserve lease for five years to the owners of Davis Marina, Gourlay Avenue, Balgowlah.

The purpose of the proposed lease was for the continued operation of a marina. The larger area is for the operation of existing winches, slipways, garden beds, waste bin storage bays and for access to the structures below the high-water mark. The smaller area provides a toilet and shower amenity block, used in association with the marina.

The community were able to make submissions by completing a submission form on this page, emailing us or in writing.

The public notice was in accordance with Section 154 of the Roads Act 1993.

Submissions opened Friday 14 July and closed Sunday 13 August 2023. No objections were received and the lease has been granted. View the Summary Report of the Public Notification.

Image of the lease plan for the road reserve

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Tida Dhanommitrapap, Property Officer, Building Assets
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

Marked ‘Proposed road reserve lease, adj. Gourlay Ave, Balgowlah', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.