Consent granted

In accordance with Section 138 and 139 of the Road Act NSW 1993, we gave public notice of our intention to consider an application from the registered owner of 149a Seaforth Crescent, Seaforth for the use of a portion of Council’s road reserve adjacent to their property.

The application is for an area of approximately five square metres (shown in red in the below plan) and the purpose of the proposed Road Reserve Consent is for an access deck to a garage.

The requirement for this application is a condition of approved Development Application (DA2018/0832) and the proposed consent will formalise the ongoing occupation of the structure on Council land once erected.

Between 12 October and 10 November 2022, we publicly exhibited this proposal. We received 2 submissions and there were no objections.

You can view the outcomes of engagement in our Community engagement summary report.

The Road Reserve Consent has now been granted to the applicant by Council.

Area plan

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Property Officer, Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

Marked 'Proposed Road Reserve Consent adj. 149A Seaforth Crescent, Seaforth' to Northern Beaches Council, PO BOX 82, Manly NSW 1655.