Lease approved

We proposed to grant a road reserve lease for another five years to the owners of 39 Lindley Avenue, Narrabeen.

The purpose of the proposed lease renewal is for a carport and the continued parking of motor vehicles.

The lease is for an area of approximately 19.2m2 of road reserve adjacent to 39 Lindley Avenue ( Lot A DP 376604).

In accordance with Section 154 of the Roads Act 1993, we gave public notice of our intention to renew the lease for the road reserve.

The proposal was exhibited between 6 April 2022 and 8 May 2022 and received 2 submissions indicating support for the proposal.

The lease has now been approved.

Lease plan

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Tida Dhanommitrapap, Property Officer - Property Commercial & Tourist Assets
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Road reserve lease renewal - adj. 39 Lindley Avenue, Narrabeen', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.