Works complete
Our community has raised ongoing concerns regarding traffic and pedestrian safety along Fisher Road and Lismore Avenue, Dee Why.
Following consultation with our community, we have installed a number of treatments for improving road user safety and pedestrian amenity, along Fisher Road and Lismore Avenue, Dee Why.
The works are now complete.
Features of the works include:
- roundabout at the intersection of Tor Road and Fisher Road
- roundabout at the intersection of Lismore Avenue and Fisher Road
- raised medians and thresholds
- painted islands.
The Federal Government's Federal
Black Spot Program (administered by NSW Government’s Safer Roads Program) provides funding for selected projects targeting road locations with a history of vehicle and/or pedestrian-related crashes.
We have received funding for works on Fisher Road and Lismore Avenue, Dee Why to address issues identified in historical crash data.
The proposal includes a number of treatments for improving road user safety and pedestrian amenity. We exhibited the proposal between Thursday 18 May and Thursday 15 June, and received 80 submissions - thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
The majority of responses indicated support for the project, however there were some objections. The objections were in relation to a lack of pedestrian crossing provisions along Fisher Road, particularly between Campbell Avenue and Lismore Avenue. As this project is primarily designed to address vehicular crashes, we will investigate safe pedestrian crossing provisions separately.
You can read the outcomes of engagement, including verbatim responses in our Community Engagement Report.
In response to feedback from the community, the following changes were been made to the plans:
- instead of a median island at Ilikai Place, we will install a No Right turn restriction from Fisher Road into Ilikai Road
- the median island at the school driveway will be installed further to the south, to prevent right turns to/from the school driveway.
The amended proposal and summary of consultation outcomes were presented to Council's Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday 4 July, where the plans were endorsed.
The proposal was initially scheduled for the August meeting of the Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee for consideration, however due to the risk profile of the location it was deemed appropriate for the project to be fast-tracked to construction.