Road Safety Plan adopted
We are committed to fostering a culture of shared responsibility for road safety.
Taking a 'Safe Systems Approach', our Road Safety Plan supports programs to change road user behaviour in order to improve the safety and efficiency of the road network.
Our vision for road safety on the Northern Beaches
Our vision ‘Safe Movement Always’ is for the Northern Beaches LGA to be recognised as a safe travel environment for all road users.
We cannot prevent all road crashes. However, we can all help to reduce the incidence of death, serious injury and the cost of road trauma to the community by adopting a culture of safe behaviour on and around our roads.
Northern Beaches Council will:
Consultation outcomes
Overall, 76 percent of respondents supported the draft plan, with many indicating that more education and awareness programs for drivers was needed.
Requested program topics included driver safety:
- near bicycles or motorbikes
- in school zones
- in high pedestrian zones.
Many comments identified concerns for pedestrian safety including visibility in wet weather, shared path etiquette and the dangers of walking while on phones.
Take a look at the Community Engagement Report for more information.
Further information
We are committed to fostering a culture of shared responsibility for road safety.
Taking a 'Safe Systems Approach', the draft Road Safety Plan supports programs to change road user behaviour in order to improve the safety and efficiency of the road network.
At a meeting on Tuesday 26 November 2019, Council resolved to place the draft Road Safety Plan on exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
View Council Report (Item 13.5) - 26 November 2019
View Council minutes
- Speed is the highest contributing factor in car crashes on the Northern Beaches.
- Our bike riders are being seriously injured in road crashes at almost three times the rate as their counterparts in other NSW communities.
- The Northern Beaches has the second highest rate of drink driving offences in the metropolitan area.
We have developed the draft Road Safety Plan utilising the national 'Safe System Approach' which aims to reduce death and injury on Australian roads over 10 years.
The draft Plan sets out objectives aligned with the four elements of the Safe System Approach - safe roads, safe speeds, safe vehicles and safe people. It includes details of how Council intends to support actions to help the Northern Beaches become a place which provides a safe travel environment for all users, including drivers, passengers, motorcycle riders, bike riders and pedestrians.
The draft Road Safety Plan 2019 – 2024 will:
- target a reduction in the number of crashes that result in death or serious injury in the local government area
- promote, educate, encourage and raise community awareness that road safety is a shared responsibility and choices and behaviours impact others on the road network
- implement initiatives to encourage a culture of positive and safe behaviour on our roads and paths
- focus on all road users, but especially vulnerable road users with existing and new road safety campaigns and projects.