Project update - November 2023
Rowland Reserve Dog Park is a popular destination for dog owners. A Council resolution in July 2021 requested that Council investigate the possibility of providing some form of night lighting to extend the use of the reserve to allow residents to exercise their dog in the park after sunset.
We engaged specialist lighting expert, Lighting, Art + Science, to understand and assess lighting design options. Impacts to wildlife and neighbouring residents were measured as part of the design objective, as well as ensuring it met The National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife (2020).
A draft concept plan and photomontage was developed and on public exhibition from Friday 29 October to Sunday 28 November 2021. We received 348 comments from community members and stakeholders including residents, park users and key user groups. Thank you to everyone who provided a submission.
Overall, the feedback collected during consultation indicated a moderate level of support for the proposed lighting to Rowland Reserve with comments citing anticipated benefits for extending the hours of use of the existing dog off-leash facility and improved user safety at night.
Most of the respondents who were not supportive of the proposal felt the proposed lighting would cause unnecessary light pollution, impact on nocturnal animals and would also affect nearby residents, with local neighbours concerned about additional noise.
Further detail, including all verbatim comments, is available in the Community Engagement Report.
As this project is currently unfunded, we will reconsider in future years when the appropriate funding becomes available.
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