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Project snapshot
We want to make Brookvale safer for pedestrians and road users. We received concerns from the local community regarding pedestrian safety impacts while crossing Federal Parade, Brookvale. As a result, we have undertaken a review of the site and propose to remove the existing pedestrian refuge on Federal Parade and replace it with a raised pedestrian crossing. This will provide a greater level of safety and clearer priority for pedestrians crossing the road.
We also proposed installing a new footpath (approximately 30 metres west of the proposed pedestrian crossing) as part of the upgrade.
Between 15 May and 12 June 2024, we conducted community engagement efforts on this proposal, with notification letters being sent to residents impacted by this project.
The feedback received during consultation indicated a high level of support for the project with 98% of respondents supporting the safety measures.
List of works:
The following pedestrian safety measures were approved at the Local Traffic Committee Meeting on 6 August 2024:
1. Removal of the existing Pedestrian Refuge and construction of a raised pedestrian crossing in its place.
2. Installation of a new footpath (approximately 30m west of the proposed pedestrian crossing) to support the evacuation plan for the Childcare Centre.
We aim to deliver the works in 2025. Click +Follow at the top of the page to stay informed.