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We are committed to making our neighbourhoods safer for pedestrians and road users. This local road safety project aims to introduce traffic calming measures that will reduce speed and through traffic, and prevent rat running through Lawrence and Rowe Streets, Freshwater.

In response to concerns raised by local residents, we conducted thorough investigations in the area. Based on our findings, we developed concept plans aimed at addressing the speed and visibility of vehicles to improve safety in this area.

Between 15 May and 12 June 2024, we conducted community engagement efforts on this proposal, with notification letters being sent to residents impacted by this project.

The feedback received during consultation indicated a high level of support for the local road safety project. 84% of respondents supported the proposed traffic calming measures and said it was much needed in the area.

A report detailing the outcomes, including a copy of all comments received, was presented to the Local Traffic Committee for consideration. The Local Traffic Committee approved the proposal at its meeting on 6 August 2024. We aim to deliver the works in 2025.

List of works

The following lane delineation and traffic calming measures were approved at the Local Traffic Committee Meeting on 6 August 2024:

  1. Installation of speed cushions outside No.12 Rowe Street, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.
  2. Installation of a raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Lawrence Street and Harbord Road, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.
  3. Installation of a raised speed hump outside No.126a Lawrence Street, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.
  4. Upgrade of lane delineation with the installation of edge lines, outside No.126 to No.128 on both sides of Lawrence Street, Freshwater
  5. Installation of approximately 18 metres of No Parking beginning on the existing power pole FF46612 outside No.16 to the north side of the driveway and a Watts profile speed hump outside the boundary of No.18 & No.20 Rowe Street, south of the intersection of Palomar Parade, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.
  6. Installation of a raised speed hump outside No.10 Rowe Street, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.
  7. Installation of a raised speed hump at the intersection of Rowe and Waine Street, Freshwater with applicable TfNSW approved warning signs.

View the proposed Concept Plans