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Project snapshot

We are committed to making our neighbourhoods safer for pedestrians and road users. This local road safety project aims to introduce traffic calming measures that will reduce speed and through traffic, and prevent rat running through Lawrence and Rowe Streets, Freshwater.

We have conducted investigations in this area after receiving several concerns from local residents. We have put together concept plans that aims to address the speed and visibility of vehicles to improve safety in this area. See what we're proposing and the concept plans below.

Proposed works

We want to make Freshwater safer for pedestrians and road users by implementing the following traffic calming measures:

  • installing a raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Lawrence Street and Harbord Road
  • a raised speed hump outside 126a Lawrence Street
  • upgraded lane delineation outside 126 Lawrence Street
  • adding parking lane delineation near 126 & 128 Lawrence Street
  • a raised speed hump outside 10 Rowe Street, and
  • a raised speed hump at the intersection of Rowe and Waine Street, Freshwater.

View the proposed Concept Plans