Reviewing feedback

Project snapshot

Project background

Safer neighbourhoods for everyone

We are seeking to improve local streets for everyone in the Narrabeen area.

We are proposing to implement safer speed limits and new traffic infrastructure treatments, to make our local residential streets pleasant places to live and visit with calmer and quieter traffic, as well as making it safer for people walking, bike riding and driving in the Narrabeen beach area.

Our Road Network Future Directions under the Move - Northern Beaches Transport Strategy 2038 includes returning residential streets to the local residents through better network management.

What's proposed?

We are proposing to install new infrastructure treatments such as raised pedestrian crossings, kerb build outs, traffic calming devices, line marking and signage in Narrabeen, especially along Ocean Street, Sydney Road, and Narrabeen Park Parade so that our streets are designed for safer speeds.

We’re proposing a 40km/h speed limit on all local streets east of Pittwater Road, from Narrabeen Beach to Mona Vale Hospital (see zone map below). A comprehensive 40km/h zone, and implementing traffic calming infrastructure treatments, would help ensure our streets are safer for our community.

We propose to make some streets one-way to improve traffic flow, enhance safety, and improve liveability of the area.

The proposal includes 30 degree angled parking along Waterloo Street and Lagoon Street and reinstating parking on the southern side of Wellington Street to improve parking efficiency in high density locations, improve visibility of drivers, encourage safer speeds and increase safety for pedestrians.

  • Key features

    • Raised pedestrian crossings at strategic locations to make it easier and safer for people to cross the road, while also helping to encourage safer traffic speeds.
    • One-way streets in some areas to improve flow and safety, while allowing for wider lanes and more parking.
    • Local streets for local residents: encouraging through traffic to remain on main roads and key movement corridors, would help create quieter and more pleasant streets for people living in and visiting the area.
  • Key benefits

    • Improved safety with safer speed limits and enhanced crossings
    • Improved ease and safety for people walking and bike riding, providing better transport options for local trips
    • Enhanced overall travel experience in the area
    • Improved access to important locations like Narrabeen Beach and Mona Vale Hospital
    • Increased community connectivity to schools and shops
    • Better quality of life for both residents and visitors

Concept plans

40km zone map


Engagement history

Have your say

We invited you to provide your feedback from Monday 14 October 2024 to Sunday 24 November 2024.

We received feedback from over 500 community members. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit feedback, write, email, call or come to talk to us in person at one our community information sessions.

We are now reviewing the feedback we received to prepare a report for the Local Traffic Committee.

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Comments for this project are now closed.