Consultation outcomes

What you shared

We recently sought community feedback on the detailed design plans for the foreshore improvements. Stage 1 consultation on this project occurred in 2021 with key targeted stakeholders informing the concept plans. Stage 2 consultation on the detailed plans took place from 18 July to 18 August 2024.

13 responses were received with majority giving supportive feedback on the design, with some minor suggestions for consideration during construction.

Explore the engagement outcomes in the latest community engagement report.

Overview of the proposed works

The damaged section of the existing seawall, along with a stormwater outlet at the Rock Pool will be upgraded with new infrastructure designed to contemporary engineering standards, restoring the structural integrity of the seawall, promenade and stormwater culvert.

The work will be conducted using a staged approach (view the detailed design here) to improve the efficiency and increase the capacity of the stormwater network. Additionally, it will enhance pedestrian safety, beach access and visual amenity.

The details of proposed works include:

  • reconstructing around 70 metres of damaged seawall
  • reconstructing around 112 metres of the existing stormwater culvert from the Collaroy Surf Club Carpark to the Rock Pool outlet
  • reconstructing the existing beach access staircase, and
  • construction of a new junction pit with wet weather surcharge slot.

What's next?

The strong support from respondents throughout the consultation emphasised the need for these improvement works and we look forward to collaborating with our funding partners to construct it.

The next step involves further investigating on the staged approach to construction, given some identified constraints.

We remain committed to delivering this project and will keep you updated on our progress.

Click +Follow at the top of the page to stay informed.

Images of the work site

Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

A detailed design and an environmental assessment for the project has been carried out. We invite you to view the detailed design and the associated Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposed works.

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Heidi Rasmussen - Stormwater and Floodplain Engineering
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

marked 'South Collaroy Foreshore & Stormwater Improvements Project', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.