New path opened

What we did

Pedestrian safety and connectivity was improved by upgrading the existing dirt terrain through Trafalgar Park, Newport with canvas coloured eco-concrete, which provides a safer and more accessible pedestrian and bicycle connection to Newport Public School and the surrounding Newport area.

This project was delivered as part of the Transport for NSW Active Transport 2020/21 grant funding program, with funding secured to support pedestrian improvements near local schools.

Before and after photos

Trafalgar Park, Newport - before Trafalgar Park, Newport - after

Engagement summary

The concept plan was open for comment between 26 February and 28 March 2021 and received 72 comments. The comments which can be seen in the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report below showed a high level of support for the upgrade, highlighting anticipated benefits for all path users. Some respondents provided suggestions which were incorporated into the final design (new replacement seat, direct connection to the playground and the use of eco-concrete).

Project Manager

Name Kajal Todd, Transport Project Officer
Phone 1300 434 434