Reviewing feedback
We are committed to building an inclusive and accessible community on the Northern Beaches. Improving the accessibility and inclusion of Council facilities, public areas and programs is a fundamental component of our project and service delivery and is supported by our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2022-2026.
Under Focus Area 2.08 of the DIAP, we have committed to "improve access to unisex accessible toilets in public spaces and Council assets". We are proposing to construct a new, standalone accessible public amenity building near Manly Cove.
The current accessible amenity, which is attached to the heritage-listed amenities building, no longer meets the future accessibility needs of our community and will be removed when the new facility is open.
The proposed location for the accessible amenity is to the south of the existing amenities building.
The design will complement the heritage elements of the current heritage-listed amenities building, and enable us to reinstate the building to its original condition.
We have developed a concept plan and would love to hear your feedback.
Take a look at the concept plans and frequently asked questions for more detail.
Concept plans
Click the arrows to scroll through the concept plans.
Note: These concept plans are indicative only and may not reflect the final building design.
Have your say
Have your say
Comments closed Sunday 9 February 2024, and we are reviewing all feedback received. We will prepare a report on the outcomes.
All comments in their entirety will be made publicly available in the Community Engagement Report. Personal identifying information, and content which is discriminatory, hateful or which may defame, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate will be redacted.