Adopted by Council

We have new bush fire policy

The Northern Beaches area is exposed to high levels of bush fire risk. While bush fire loss can be reduced or avoided in some cases, it cannot be entirely prevented.

At its meeting on Tuesday 23 February, Council resolved to adopt the Bush Fire Management Policy.

Our new Bush Fire Management Policy sets out Council's approach to effective risk and bush fire management throughout the Northern Beaches Local Government Area (LGA) in order to protect life and reduce the impact of bush fire on property, infrastructure and the environment.

This policy applies to all land owned or managed by Northern Beaches Council, and to all private land within Council’s boundaries.

You may also like to read the associated Bushland and Biodiversity Policy.

View the Council minutes (Item 13.1)

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this project.

View the community and stakeholder engagement report

A shared responsibility

Bush fires are likely to become increasingly frequent and severe due to changing rainfall and drought patterns. We need to plan for more people on the Northern Beaches being affected by bush fires, and more communities recovering from the often long lasting impacts on health and wellbeing.

The policy acknowledges that reducing landowners’ vulnerability is a collective responsibility shared between governments, landowners, industry and the community.

Council works very closely with the Northern Beaches Bush Fire Management Committee to maintain an extensive network of Asset Protection Zones and fire trails throughout the Local Government Area. Council also works with our partner fire agencies to plan, prepare and undertake a considerable prescribed burning program to manage fuel loads throughout Council bushland reserves.

The policy focuses on the four key areas of:

  1. Risk management
  2. Fire management
  3. Community engagement
  4. Land use planning and development control

It follows the principles of emergency management of addressing prevention, preparation, response and recovery for bush fire emergencies.

Engagement history

  • Submissions opened:
    Wed 4 Nov 20

  • Submissions closed:
    Sun 20 Dec 20

  • Total submissions:

Introduction to the draft Bush Fire Management Policy

Northern Beaches Council Bush Fire Prone Land Map

View the Northern Beaches Bush Fire Prone Land Map, Certified 7 August 2020

Select link above, go to the top left dropdown menu, scroll down to ‘Northern Beaches Bush Fire Prone Land Map certified 7 August 2020’ enter and click on your property address and refer to the right hand legend to see how it affects your property.

Project Manager

Name Matt Horwood - Coordinator, Bush Fire Management
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)