Construction complete

Project update - August 2023

We are pleased to advise that this shared path and pedestrian crossing upgrade is now complete and open for the community to enjoy.

Project update - June 2023

Our funding application for construction of a shared path on Addiscombe Road through the State Government’s Get NSW Active Program 2022/23 has been approved.

We have made changes to the concept plan that we originally exhibited in early 2022. Where possible, we have include changes to the design based on your feedback, as well as other changes to improve access in the area.

You can view the revised concept plan here. A summary of the changes can be viewed in the document library below.

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government.


We proposed to provide a 2.5m shared path in Addiscombe Road between the existing shared path and Kenneth Road. This will also include improved access for pedestrians and bicycle riders with an upgrade of the existing pedestrian refuge in Kenneth Road to a combined raised pedestrian and bicycle rider crossing.

This project is aligned with our Move – Northern Beaches Transport Strategy and will provide users with a wider path, safer crossings and greater accessibility for our community to walk and cycle between the local commercial and recreational facilities, local Schools and transport facilities. It would also result in both transport and recreational benefits for our community.

We exhibited these proposals between Tuesday 25 January and Friday 18 February 2022 to seek thoughts on each proposal. Feedback received during the exhibition supported our state government grant application.

Read the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report here.

Have a question?

To learn more about this project, please contact:

Contact Information
Name Michelle Carter, Acting Manager Transport Network
Phone 1300 434 434 (during business hours)
In writing

Marked 2022/23 Active Transport proposal - Addiscombe and Kenneth Roads, Manly Vale, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.

Check out other 2022/23 Active Transport proposals