Between 8 December 2022 and 29 January 2023 we exhibited our proposal for a new fee of $585 (GST inclusive) for access to a commercial bin storage area located within the Whistler Street Carpark for Market Lane businesses. We received two comments, one in support and one not in support of the proposal.
A report was presented to Council, noting the engagement outcomes and recommending adoption of the new fee.
The new fee was adopted by Council on Tuesday 28 March 2023.
View the Council Minutes (Item 13.4, page 13).
We have been working with the Manly Business Chamber on a proposed waste facility
area in the Market Lane precinct to find a solution to the issue with businesses leaving their
commercial bins outside their premises.
The proposed commercial bin facility area to be used by the Market Lane precinct businesses is an existing bin area located in Whistler Street carpark.
To provide an affordable, efficient, scalable, and sustainable model for businesses to access the commercial bin storage area, it is recommended to charge a fee of $585 (GST inclusive) per participating business.
This fee was not exhibited as part of the 2022/23 Fees and Charges as the commercial bin storage area location had not been decided at that time.
At the 22 November meeting 2022, Council resolved to exhibit the proposed new fee of $585 (GST inclusive) for access to a commercial bin storage area located within the Whistler Street Carpark for Market Lane businesses.
The proposed amendment to the Fees and Charges for 2022/23 booklet was on exhibition for 28 days, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.