
Council Resolution 24 February 2015

27 February 2015

In Mayoral Minute No 3/2015, Mayor Michael Regan expressed his concern about the pressures on the Brookvale area and absence of a guiding strategic document for the area. The Mayor cited the importance of maintaining Brookvale’s status as an employment hub, and recognising its rich heritage.

The Mayor proposed the following and on 24 February 2015 Council resolved:

That Council staff:

A. Present a short report at the next Council meeting to be held on 24 March 2015 outlining a timeframe for the development of a Brookvale Masterplan to be undertaken in the upcoming 2015/16 financial year.

B. To conduct online engagement immediately to allow the community to provide their comments on the future of Brookvale that would include the existing comments made from the previous Manly Daily story and any emails/correspondence received already to Council.

A short report will be presented to the Council at the meeting of 24 March 2015.