Revised draft ready

In December 2010, Brookvale was identified in the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036 and the Greater Sydney Region Plan (March 2018) as a Strategic Centre.

Our plan for Brookvale is a place for:

  • long-term employment growth
  • mixed-use development including offices, retail, services and housing
  • improved walking and cycling connections
  • a bus rapid transit corridor.

Brookvale includes the largest concentration of industrial land in northern Sydney supporting a diverse range of local jobs and services for our community.

A structure plan is critical in ensuring that all options are considered for future growth and development in Brookvale, as a vital strategic centre for the region.

A revised draft of the Brookvale Structure Plan is being prepared, taking into consideration past engagement, updated technical studies and the completed Brookvale-Dee Why Transport Management and Accessibility Plan.

Work is now underway to determine exactly how much growth Brookvale can accommodate in the future. Key to this work is an analysis on the types of jobs we are likely to see in Brookvale over the next 20 years.

Targeted engagement with state agencies and key stakeholders is complete and we are aiming to place the revised draft Structure Plan on public exhibition in 2022.

The revised draft Brookvale Structure Plan will incorporate the findings from Council's Local Housing Strategy.

There will be opportunities for community input once the draft Structure Plan has been reviewed, updated and re-exhibited in 2022.

To make sure you do not miss any opportunity to be involved, click the + Follow button above to receive email updates.

Artist impressions


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Mar 2016: Community and stakeholder engagement

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Aug 2017: Draft Brookvale Structure Plan prepared

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Sep 2017: Draft plan on public exhibition

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Jan 2018: Public exhibition close

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Feb 2018: Community feedback analysis and review

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Draft plan reviewed re: North District Plan release

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Mar 2019: Employment Study commences

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    May 2019: Traffic and Transport Study commences

  • Timeline item 9 - complete

    Draft plan reviewed on completion of technical studies

  • Timeline item 10 - complete

    Revised draft plan placed on public exhibition

Past updates

Contact us

Contact Information
Name Strategic and Place Planning Team
Phone 1300 434 434