
Engagement Outcomes

17 December 2018

The community engagement period closed on 20 November 2017.

Over the six week consultation period there were over 100 submissions received, 4,500 visits to the Your Say page and 2,200 documents downloaded.

In addition, we also

  • held two drop-in sessions and discussed the draft plan with 85 people
  • delivered brochures to all businesses and dwellings within the Investigation Area and the surrounding Area of Influence
  • delivered letters to all non-resident owners of land within the Investigation Area and the surrounding Area of Influence
  • put advertisements and articles in the Manly Daily
  • met with individual key stakeholders, internal Council customers and State government agencies.

The top five issues raised by the community were -

  • Traffic and transport issues (over a third of all submissions)
  • Density and housing affordability – the need to explore further opportunities for increased residential density and affordable housing in the mixed use zoned areas
  • Objections to overdevelopment (along with increased heights) due primarily to traffic and transport impacts
  • Employment - importance of employment to the area and protection of Industrial Lands, whilst exploring opportunities for more employment related uses being permitted in the industrial IN1 areas
  • Streetscape and visual amenity - Improving the streetscape, particularly on Pittwater Road, Brookvale and
  • Requests to have the Investigation area broadened or expanded

Following consultation and in response to the numerous submissions regarding transport, we engaged consultants to investigate the issues further and to prepare a transport plan for Brookvale.

It’s important that any growth in the area be supported by an appropriate level of infrastructure provision.

We have also commenced an employment study for the Northern Beaches as part of our Local Environment Plan review.

These studies will assist in ensuring that we are considering all options for the future growth and development of Brookvale as a vital Strategic Centre for the region.

Once the transport and employment studies are completed, we will prepare a report to council that provides a detailed engagement summary and present a revised Brookvale Structure Plan for public exhibition.