
Transport and Employment Studies commenced

17 December 2018

Council remains focussed on supporting Brookvale’s role as an employment hub for the Northern Beaches and its continued evolution as an attractive place to both work and live.

Transport Study

Council has engaged consultants to prepare a plan for the future operation and management of the road and transport network to ensure growth in Brookvale doesn’t exceed the capacity of the road network and any necessary improvements are prioritised.

The Transport Study will take stock of changes in development, population, travel patterns, roads and public transport and test scenarios for the future.

We have heard the community’s concerns and aspirations from the submissions received and share the view that options for growth in employment and housing must be carefully considered on balance with traffic and transport constraints. It’s important that any growth in the area be supported by an appropriate level of infrastructure provision.

Employment Study

To meet the State Government’s requirement for all Councils to review their Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) and give effect to the Greater Sydney Region and North District Plans, Council is embarking on a study of employment on the Northern Beaches.

This study will assist Council in understanding trends in employment and how we can plan for adequate land and optimal development for local jobs and businesses to prosper and grow well into the future. Brookvale’s designation as a Strategic Centre emphasises its critical role for delivering employment opportunities for the Northern Beaches population. The Employment Study will inform decisions on where, how much and what type of housing, commercial and industrial development would be of most benefit to creating jobs for our community.

By late 2019, Council expects that both the Transport and Employment Studies will be completed and finalisation of the Brookvale Structure Plan will be able to proceed with a comprehensive evidence base.

Other ongoing work being undertaken as part of the LEP review, including a Local Housing Strategy and Social Infrastructure Study, will also inform Council’s planning for Brookvale.