
Turimetta Head Walkway - Final Design Outcome

14 February 2018

In July 2017, we consulted residents of Turimetta Head, Warriewood on a proposal to build a new walkway through public reserve, formalising the coastal path along the headland.


The consultation process identified strong community support for an alternate route along Narrabeen Park Parade to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety and access along this section.

There was also strong support to improve access and safety along the coastline. With this said, there was an equal amount of support to:

  1. Maintain the natural beauty of the area

  2. Improve safety and access along this section.


As a result of both the consultation period and a thorough investigation of feasible options, the revised plan will now include;

  • New pram ramp and concrete path from Sydney Road along (eastern side) Narrabeen Park Parade
  • Improved safety and accessibility of existing track with a 1.5 m wide path in crushed stone path

  • New sandstone steps and handrail along alternate coastal route

  • Directional signage and track marker

View the revised plan

Next Steps

So as to improve pedestrian connectivity to the Northern Beaches Coastal Walkway, we are about to commence consultation on additional proposed sections of walkway along Narrabeen Park Parade, Warriewood heading north towards Mona Vale.

The proposed design plans will be added to this project page in the coming days.

For further enquiries, you’re welcome to contact Gynt Drinan on 9942 2812.