
The Design and Delivery Process

19 March 2015

Developing Concepts - Now

In June 2014, Council engaged Artscape Consulting to undertake research and community consultation to develop a place making strategy for Dee Why Town Centre. The objective of the place making strategy was to identify opportunities to integrate public art elements to achieve the community and cultural objectives of the Masterplan.

While Artscape worked on the place making strategy, the landscape and urban designers Tract Consultants undertook investigations into the practicality and feasibility of implementing the street and public open space upgrades that were proposed by the Masterplan.

The objectives include re-newing all public spaces with new pavements, furniture and lighting. Where possible, new and additional plants and street trees will be added to improve the safety, ambiance and compensate for the large areas of heat attracting pavements within Dee Why Town Centre.

The research and feasibility studies have been completed and the Draft reports are available for viewing.

View Draft Concept Design Reports by Tract: Volume 1 and Volume 2

Developing Preliminary Designs - May 2015

Artscape and Tract are now engaged to develop a Preliminary Design to take to the community for exhibition and feedback during May and June 2015.

After the public exhibition, the community’s feedback will be considered and Preliminary Designs will be revised and reported to Council. Once the Preliminary Designs are adopted by Council, consultants will prepare the final detailed designs to undertake Phase 1 of the works.

Detailed Design and Works - mid-2016

After the public exhibition, the community’s feedback will be considered and Preliminary Designs will be revised and reported to Council.

On adoption of the Preliminary Designs, consultants will prepare Final Detailed Designs to undertake Phase 1 of the works planned for Dee Why Town Centre upgrades.

View Phase 1, 2 and 3 Planned Works

View Phase 1 Construction plan

We anticipate that Phase 1 construction will commence in mid-2016 with the start of construction of the new Walter Gors park, and finish with streetscape upgrades in Oaks Avenue and Howard Avenue by the end of 2018.

Phases 2 and 3 of construction cannot yet be fully planned and scheduled at this time due to a number of factors, primarily related to the timing of private property re-development and the associated developer contributions to fund the public infrastructure upgrades.