
Oaks and Howard Avenue Dee Why Streetscape Upgrade Works

23 July 2018

We’re undertaking works to improve pedestrian safety and access in Dee Why Town Centre, as part of our Masterplan.

The planned upgrade of streetscapes and urban street trees will improve greenery and rectify years of damaged infrastructure.

Upgrade works will include:
  • New paved pedestrian and outdoor dining areas
  • New kerb and gutter
  • New drainage pits
  • Upgraded pedestrian crossings
  • Garden beds, street furniture and landscaping
  • Replacement of existing street trees and an additional 13 trees on Oaks Ave and 12 trees on Howard Ave
  • Street lighting improvements and decorative lighting
Timing of Works

Works will start end June/early July 2018 and should be complete in early 2019, weather permitting.

We are staging the works to reduce the impact to local businesses and residents. However, during the construction period, there will be traffic and pedestrian diversions, noise and dust at times, and some night work may be required.


Access to businesses and residences will be maintained at all times.