
Streetscape Designs Commence

16 June 2016

We can now progress the streetscape designs, following Council approval of the new traffic scheme at their meeting 2 June 2016. The new traffic scheme will retain a two-way system in lieu of the one-way traffic scheme included in the Dee Why Town Centre Master Plan.

We have now commenced preparation of the preliminary design plans for Phase 1 streetscape upgrades incorporating the above two-way traffic scheme.

Once prepared, the preliminary design plans will be placed on public exhibition. The results of community feedback and any required changes will then be considered by Council towards the end of 2016. Subject to Council approval, detailed designs will then be undertaken, and the upgrade works started in the second half of 2017.

The streetscape upgrades will include new wider pavements, bike paths, plants, furniture, lighting and public art to highlight the vibrant community and spirit of Dee Why.

View the two way traffic scheme.