
Upcoming Night Works – Oaks Avenue and Howard Avenue Road Re-Sheeting

27 May 2019

As part of Council’s commitment to maintaining quality transport infrastructure, Council is upgrading part of the road surface along Oaks Avenue and Howard Avenue, Dee Why.

These works form part of the broader Streetscape Upgrade Program for Dee Why Town Centre.

To help minimise impacts to business, daytime traffic and to complete the work safely, we will be undertaking night works.

Staging of Works

The works will be staged over a number of nights to provide respite periods for local residents.

Howard Avenue

Section: Pittwater Road – Council Carpark Entrance

Dates: Monday 3 June, Tuesday 4 June and Thursday 6 June (weather permitting).

Times: 7pm – 5am (typically these works finish prior to 5am)

Oaks Avenue

Section: Pittwater Road – Post Office

Dates: Tuesday 11 June, Wednesday 12 June and Monday 17 June (weather permitting).

Times: 7pm – 5am (typically these works finish prior to 5am)

How will the works affect me?

  • There will be noise and dust however the contractors will endeavor to complete noisier works prior to 11pm
  • Emergency vehicular access and exit only
  • Mobile lighting towers will be required for the works
  • Temporary removal of on-street parking during the works
  • Temporary closure of access to the Council carpark from Howard Avenue during works. Please use the Oaks Avenue entrance.

What other parking options are available?

Alternate parking spaces are available at Council’s car park located between Howard Avenue and Oaks Avenue.

Will I still have access to my property?

We will maintain pedestrian access to private properties at all times. Vehicle access to properties will be impacted, however traffic managers will be onsite to assist.

Enquiries: Community Liaison Officer, Capital Projects on 9942 2755.