
Community working group appointed

14 January 2019

Thank you to those who registered to join the Manly Life Saving Club Working Group.

We received a total of 31 working group nominations, from which 13 members have been appointed to represent the following segments of the community:

Representative group

Appointed working group member

Manly Life Saving Club (2)

Christopher Bell and Kyeema Doyle

Surf Life Saving Northern Beaches (1)

Stephen Bennett

Bold and Beautiful Swim Squad (1)

Alex Prendergast

Local residents (2)

Digby Hughes and Annette Cuthbert

Local surfers (1)

Simon Moriarty

Manly Business Chamber (1)

Sean Condell

Local youth (14-25) (2)

Vicki Cuthbert and Max Moon

Beach foreshore users (1)

Gerri Moorman

Environmental groups (1)

Adrian Jones

* No nominations were received for Facility hires.

The community working group appointment signals the next phase of engagement, with the first working group meeting scheduled for Tuesday 12 February 2019.

Discussion outcomes from the first two meetings will assist in finalising the tender brief for the design consultant.

Working group meeting notes and outcomes will be uploaded on this project page.

We look forward to working with the appointed community working group on this project.