Stay involved
We are dedicated to delivering high-quality facilities for our community, and construction is currently in progress on a new multi-purpose Community Centre in Warriewood. The new facility will be located on the existing site of the Nelson Heather Centre building at the junction of Jacksons Road and Boondah Road, Warriewood.
The new community centre will incorporate best-practice sustainability principles to create a modern, resilient building with multi-use spaces, accommodating a growing Warriewood Valley community.
Features of the new centre will include:
multi-purpose halls suited to a wide range of recreational activities two multi-purpose meeting rooms a community space providing a safe and accessible area large covered outdoor spaces which overlook landscaped gardens modern and accessible amenities multiple and adaptable kitchen facilities.
We are also progressing design works on a new shared pathway linking to the B-Line bus stop and upgrading Boondah Road to complement this project.
Learn how we are managing the works
The contractor will prepare the site for the new building works and to ensure public safety. A temporary construction site fence will be erected to the perimeter of the work area from the beginning of April 2024 until the end of the build, meaning there will be no public access or carparking within the construction site for the entire period.
Demolition is scheduled to commence in April 2024.
Construction of the new facility will commence shortly thereafter and is anticipated to be completed late 2025, weather permitting.
Construction work hours are stipulated in the conditions of development approval and are generally allowed at the following times:
- 7am to 5pm on Mondays to Fridays
- 8am to on Saturdays
No work is allowed on Sundays or Public Holidays.
On occasion it may be necessary to allow out of hours work such as oversized trucks to make deliveries to site or emergency works.
Pedestrian access will remain available through the reserve and the existing footpaths will be maintained for public use. There will be no access through the construction site itself.
The sporting fields will remain open.
There may be an unavoidable increase of traffic in the area during weekdays.
Traffic control plans will be implemented to minimise impact to the community.
There is no anticipated loss to parking, however, we acknowledge that complex construction can be impactful and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Engagement outcomes
Community Engagement Summary
To best understand community needs for this facility we engaged with local residents, facility users and key stakeholders. Two rounds of community engagement were conducted in 2019 (Stage 1) and 2020 (Stage 2).
As part of Stage 1 of the engagement process, feedback was gathered through a survey, written submissions and information briefings to identify the needs of the centre users, hirers, lessees and the general community.
View the Stage 1 - Community Engagement Report here.
Stage 2 involved sharing feedback on the concept plans that were developed following the first round of community consultation. The concept plans addressed the need for additional space and parking to accommodate the growing Warriewood Valley Community. Concept plans for the facility were exhibited for comment in August - September 2020 and we received 166 submissions as part of the consultation.
The submissions were reviewed and the key issues raised include:
- car parking
- naming of the centre
- pedestrian, footpath and cycle way network
- landscaping
- use (types / user groups)
- road and traffic network.
View the Stage 2 - Community Engagement Report here.
A report noting community feedback and recommending the project proceeded to Development Application was endorsed by Council in October 2020 - you can view the minutes here.
The Development Application DA2021/0199 was lodged on 29 March 2021 and approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel on 18 August 2021.
At the Council Meeting on 24 October 2023 it was resolved to finalise contract negotiations. Subject to entering into a contract, construction is planned to commence in April 2024 with the project expected to be completed by late 2025.
Concept Plans
Exhibited floor plan
Check it outProject history
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing quality facilities for the community, we are proposing to design and build a new multi-use community centre on the existing site of the Nelson Heather Centre in Warriewood. We began seeking community feedback on the project in 2019.
The project has been incorporated into the Warriewood Valley Development Contribution Plan Amendment 16, Revision 3 to cater for the increase in demand for new public facilities within the Warriewood Valley Release Area as existing facilities are already at capacity.
Click on the tabs below to follow our engagement journey.
Work has commenced on the design phase for the Warriewood Valley Community Centre.
It's anticipated the concept design will be ready for community consultation mid 2020.
Council accepts the tender of Terroir Pty Ltd for Request for Tender 2019/118 – Architectural Services - Warriewood Valley Community Centre.
View the Council minutes, Item 17.4, pg. 29
A decision on the architectural services for the Warriewood Valley Community Centre will be made at the Council meeting on Tuesday 17 December 2019.
The item will be discussed in Closed Session.
View the Council agenda here, Item 17.4.
Tender submissions for the Architect have been received and will be evaluated during November.
It's anticipated a decision on the service provider will be made following the December Council meeting.
We’re finalising the architectural tender scoping documents and budget for this project, and anticipate concept plans will be available for comment by mid 2020.
Engagement Summary
Following the recent survey undertaken in March 2019 and the subsequent information sessions, a summary of engagement and results of the survey are now available for viewing.
View the Warriewood Valley Community Centre - Community Engagement Report - April 2019
Information Briefing - Questions & Answers
At the information briefings attendees raised a number of questions about the project. As promised the responses to these are now available.
See Q&A at the bottom of this page.
Next steps
At this stage we anticipate the draft concept designs to be available late this year.
We thank respondents for their interest in this project and will continue to post updates as the project progresses.Thank you to those who attended the recent information briefings.Two briefings were held - one for current hires and one for local residents. Feedback on the recent survey results was provided along with a brief project update.
The briefing notes are now available in our document library. Questions raised and our response will be available on this page shortly.
RSVP - Information briefing
If you would like an update on this project or to learn the outcomes of the recent survey, please RSVP to attend the information briefing on:
Thursday 4 April, 2019
Venue details will be provided upon confirmation of RSVP numbers.
Closing date for RSVP: Tuesday 2 April, 2019
Information briefings - survey outcome
Following the recent surveys undertaken both in person and online during March, we will be hosting an information briefing detailing the survey findings as well as a project update.
When: Thursday 4 April, 2019
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: details provided upon confirmation of RSVP numbers.Closing date for RSVP: Tuesday 2 April, 2019
Thank you to those who participated in the recent survey. The survey is now closed and an information briefing on the outcomes will be held on:
Thursday 4 April, 2019
Venue details will provided upon confirmation of RSVP numbers*In the coming weeks we will be hosting briefings on the outcomes of our recent engagement survey.
If you'd like to receive updates or be involved in the briefings, register your details here.
How to get involved
Share your thoughts on the existing and future needs by taking this short survey.
Comments close Sunday 24 March 2019.
Document library
Briefing Notes - Current Hire's - 4 April 2019PDF (196.70 KB)
Briefing Notes - Residents - 4 April 2019PDF (202.42 KB)
Briefing Presentation - Northern Beaches Council - 4 April 2019MS Powerpoint (734.88 KB)
Micromex Research - Survey Findings - March 2019PDF (912.59 KB)
Information Briefings - Questions and responses - April 2019PDF (302.57 KB)
Community Engagement Summary - Warriewood Valley Community Centre - April 2019PDF (2.62 MB)
Contact customer service on:
1300 434 434
acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Country on which we
gather today. By these words we show our respect to all Aboriginal
people. We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and the spirits
and ancestors of the Clans that lived in this area.
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