
Trial - summer parking restrictions on Bower Street, Manly

14 September 2020

We trialled part-time No Parking restrictions in areas of Bower Street Manly between December 2019 and February 2020 to understand if changes to parking times could have a positive impact on traffic congestion and improve safety in the area.

The restrictions applied on weekends and Public Holidays between 10am and 4pm. They were in place on the north side of Bower Street, Manly, between numbers 44 and 56 and on the south side between numbers 69 and 87. 2P Permit Parking remained in place during the week.

An opportunity to provide comment on the trial was provided on this page between 17 June and 26 July.

The survey is now closed and feedback received has helped us us determine the ongoing parking arrangements in this area.

Traffic data collected during the trial

To understand the effect of the trial restriction we undertook Parking Surveys over the weekends of 23/24 November 2019 and 4/5 January 2020. Surveys were conducted at hourly intervals between 10am and 3pm.

In summary the data reflects:

  • other than at the very busiest times, there were always vacant spaces available within the 2P Permit parking zone.
  • parking activity was lighter in November but in high demand in early January
  • at all surveyed times vehicles were illegally parked in the No Parking and/or No stopping zones.
  • issuing parking infringements (198 in total) on most weekends throughout the trial period, did not change user behaviour. There were still a high level of illegally parked vehicles at the end of the trial.
  • traffic volumes in Bower Street, even in the summer peak (January), are still within acceptable limits for a residential street. This would indicate the related congestion issues are caused by parking activity choking the carriageway
  • traffic speeds are not excessive

*Both sets of traffic counts revealed peak traffic time around midday (11am-1pm)

During the trial our parking rangers monitored the Bower Street area, visiting on 17 days (weekends and public holidays) and issuing 198 parking infringement notices

Rangers observed that the new restrictions, whilst not totally complied with, did improve traffic conditions (i.e. congestion and choke points).