Snapshot - October 2024

What's included in the final design?

The modified design now includes the use of permeable paving and permeable tree surrounds, the repositioning of the bike rail, the retention of the existing sandstone planter at the street front, and the deletion of the proposed timber block seating along the seawall.

A key focus area was the retention of the trees adjacent to the seawall. As part of the modified design, every effort will be made to retain the two trees in this area. It is acknowledged that this area will be the most heavily impacted by the construction works, and an arborist site assessment will determine the viability of retention at that time.

View the modified plan, and the materials palette to learn more.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Feb 2024: Thomas Stephens Reserve revised design

    See what's changed as a result of community consultation.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    May 2024: Open and listening - revised road realignment plans

    Review and comment on the proposed changes to the road realignment and associated works.

    McCarrs Creek Road, road safety upgrade

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Sep 2024: Thomas Stephens Reserve final design

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    2025: Thomas Stephens Reserve works commence

    The works at the reserve are scheduled to commence when the McCarrs Creed Road works are complete.

    Visit the McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point project page for details.

Find out the details below

Church Point precinct is a popular and busy location especially in summer and our preference is to sequence the works out of busy periods. We are planning for all works to be complete prior to summer 2025.

We made a number of revisions to the road realignment design which were exhibited for the community in April 2024. Visit the McCarrs Creek Road project page for more information.

The landscape works will be scheduled to commence once the road works are completed and budget is confirmed. At this time we hope to commence the landscape works mid-late 2025.

As we finalise tenders we will update this page withconfirmed timing.

The final landscape design is the result of extensive consultation with community groups, key stakeholders and experts including arborists, as well as incorporation of community feedback. We've also taken into account any recent DAs and input from key local community and resident groups.

The overarching design brief is to create an accessible space. Some key changes include the ability to retain some trees and not others. Wherever possible we have sought to retain the trees. Advice from an independent Arborist report notes that some of the trees to be retained may not survive the construction process.

You can read the Arborist advice for full details of their recommendations.

The proposed landscape improvements include new:

  • boardwalk and pavement
  • wharf style seating
  • tables and benches
  • repointing and backfilling of the existing seawall
  • bins, bike racks and water station
  • plantings and trees.

The final design is available from the button above and includes a legend of the key landscape elements. See the separate materials palette.

We invite you to view the final design and if you have any questions or concerns to contact our Parks Team.

Since our initial community consultation phase there have been some significant changes to the proposed road works.

We exhibited the new road realignment and associated works in April 2024. We are reviewing feedback before we move toward construction.

Visit the McCarrs Creek project page to stay up to date.

Community engagement took place between 23 April and 23 May 2021 and we received 123 comments.

Since that time we have been reviewing and incorporating the feedback from our community, key stakeholder groups and internal business stakeholders.

We have made a number of changes to both the landscape design for Thomas Stephens Reserve and the proposed road realignment works. Some suggested changes have been accommodated while others are not supported due to, cost, varied community design desires or internal feedback from our various asset owners and maintenance operations within Council.

Our intention is to find the right balance between the wishes of community members and users whilst creating improved amenity and well managed assets with a quality outcome for the budget available.

You can read the Community Engagement Report to learn more - including the key themes that emerged during consultation, our responses and the community's verbatim comments.

For further information

Please contact:

Contact Information
Name Barbara Stack, Senior Asset Management Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Thomas Stephens Reserve, Church Point', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

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