Reviewing feedback

Road safety upgrade

We are revitalising the public space around the Church Point shops and improving pedestrian safety in the area as part of the Church Point Precinct Masterplan.

The proposed road safety upgrade follows the completion of stage one of the Masterplan, which saw the construction of the new car park, cargo wharf and boardwalk extension. Improvements to Thomas Stephens Reserve near the Ferry Wharf will commence following the proposed road safety upgrades.

The current road network spanning McCarrs Creek Road and Pittwater Road features high pedestrian activity with insufficient pedestrian crossing facilities and poor sightline for vehicles. The proposed road safety improvements will aim to prevent accidents, create safer pedestrian access, reduce speed and create a safer neighbourhood for Church Point residents and visitors.

The proposed design has been assessed by an independent Traffic Engineer and a Road Safety Assessment Report has been completed.

Have your say

Consultation for the project is now closed.

What is proposed?

What we're proposing

We want to make Church Point safer for pedestrians and road users by implementing road safety improvements. This includes:

  • a pedestrian refuge to provide safer pedestrian access to/from the bus stop
  • safety improvements to bus stop
  • traffic calming devices
  • line delineation to separate laneway and parking areas
  • improved signage
  • new Watts profile thresholds
  • footpath upgrade on southside of road
  • some kerb and guttering.

All existing trees will be retained as part of this proposal.

Concept plans

Concept Plans

Click through the images to view the proposed Concept Plans