Adopted by Council

28 September 2021

Helping our community feel safe

We are excited to share with you the Community Safety Plan (2021-2026). Thank you to everyone who provided feedback along the way.

The plan outlines the actions we will take to build on our responsiveness to community safety issues over the next five years so that the Northern Beaches can continue to be one of the safest areas in the country to live, work and play.

A report was presented at the Council meeting on Tuesday 28 September 2021 seeking Council adoption of the Community Safety Plan noting the outcomes of community engagement.

View the Council minutes, (Item 10.1) for more information.

The Community Safety Plan will be reviewed annually to accommodate any emerging issues and will be formally evaluated every five years to retain its relevance and alignment with Council strategies, including Better Together 2040.

View the Community Safety Plan below. Click on the box icon in the lower right conrner to enlarge.

Engagement history

We sought feedback from the broader community on the Draft Community Safety Plan between 1 June and 20 July 2021.

The draft Community Safety Plan was developed using:

  • information gathered from the community
  • current crime trend data
  • government and local strategic directions
  • input from service providers.

The public exhibition followed extensive engagement with more than 1162 community members and stakeholders who provided comments and insights which informed the development of the draft plan.

A further 520 people engaged in the public exhibition process and 19 submissions were made during this stage of engagement.

The feedback received indicated a high level of support for the draft plan with 74 percent of respondents supporting the plan outright or with some changes.

The range of submissions in response to the draft plan was diverse and included suggestions for safe active transport, recognition of youth issues, consideration of bushfire management, and the inclusion of implementation and accountability measures in the plan.

Several amendments were made to the draft plan in response to the feedback, and these are detailed in the community engagement report.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more, contact:

Name Kath Young - Community Safety Coordinator
Phone 1300 434 434