Construction complete

Improvements to pedestrian safety near Curl Curl North Public School at the intersection of Pitt Road and Playfair Road, North Curl Curl have been completed.

The existing pedestrian crossing has been raised and shifted to the east, away from the Playfair Road intersection. Kerb extensions have been added on the northern side of the road to increase visibility while not removing any parking spaces, and kerb blisters have been added on the southern side of Pitt Road to increase pedestrian visibility.

Pram ramps on Playfair Road have also been upgraded and realigned.

This project was delivered as part of the Federal Stimulus - School Infrastructure Program, with funding secured to support pedestrian improvements in local schools.

Before and after photos

Engagement summary

The concept plan was exhibited for comment between 14 April and 28 May 2021 and received six comments, all of which supported the proposal.

The key themes identified included the importance of complying with Australian Standards in relation to lighting and road markings, and ensuring that signage and lighting are designed to optimise safety for pedestrians and road users.

Concerns were raised about speeding, the existing median strip and the location of the crossing and these issues are addressed in the consultation summary.

For further information

Please contact:

Contact Information
Name Josephine Butler, Engineering Intern
Phone 02 8495 7159
In writing

'Federal stimulus - school zone infrastructure', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.