Project completed

See our website for further details

On 24 May 2022, Council considered reports on the outcomes of the public exhibition of the draft Frenchs Forest Town Centre Section 7.11 Contributions Plan and the draft Northern Beaches Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2022.

An updated Section 7.11 Contributions Plan was provided to Council for consideration which included several post-exhibition changes. These changes predominately related to the removal of traffic infrastructure that is the responsibility of the NSW Government to provide.

There was no change to the Northern Beaches Section 7.12 plan.

Council resolved to adopt both plans, with the updated Section 7.11 Contributions Plan to be forwarded to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal for review. The Council Minutes are available here.

The Contributions Plan was submitted to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal for review.

Both the Frenchs Forest Town Centre Section 7.11 Contributions Plan came into force on 1 June 2022.

Engagement history

The Frenchs Forest 2041 Place Strategy was finalised on 17 December 2021. The place strategy will deliver 2,000 new homes (1,000 of these in the town centre; 1,000 in the adjacent residential areas) with a range of housing including townhouses, terraces, apartments and aged care; and homes for essential workers such as nurses and paramedics.

The place strategy will support the implementation of phase one of the Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan.

In line with this, the planning controls for phase one will begin on 1 June 2022. From this time development applications will be able to be lodged.

As part of this, we prepared the draft Frenchs Forest Town Centre Section 7.11 Contributions Plan (also referred to as the Section 7.11 plan) which allow us to levy developments to fund the delivery of high quality public facilities.

For the Section 7.11 plan to apply to this land, we also needed to make amendments to the Northern Beaches Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2022 (Section 7.12 plan).

The draft Frenchs Forest Town Centre Section 7.11 Contributions Plan and the draft Northern Beaches Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2022 were publicly exhibited from 18 March to 1 May 2022.

Both plans were adopted by Council at the meeting on Tuesday 24 May 2022.

View the Council report for the Section 7.11 Plan (Item 12.1).

View the Council report for the Section 7.12 Plan (Item 12.2, page 82) and the Attachment Booklet.

The 'How we got here' section a little further down the page keeps you informed of the other activities underpinning this project.

How we got here

A lot of planning and consultation has gone into the development of the Frenchs Forest Town Centre.

The NSW Government's Frenchs Forest 2041 Place Strategy was publicly exhibited from July to September 2021 and included the Special Infrastructure Contributions (SIC) scheme which provides up to $37.3 million to pay for the required infrastructure including roads, public transport infrastructure, pedestrian and cycling paths, health facilities, emergency services, schools and open space improvements.

The place strategy and rezoning was finalised on 17 December 2021.

For more information about how we got here, what else we've done and what's coming up next for the Frenchs Forest Town Centre, please keep reading below.

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Visions of a new town centre

Artist impressions are for indicative purposes only.