Lease approved

We proposed to grant a lease to operate the two (2) tennis courts located at Koobilya Street, Seaforth.

There was also a request for quotation out (RFQ 2022/057) for an experienced tennis or sports operator to lease the tennis courts, for an initial period of three years, with two further options of one year each at Council’s discretion.

The lease area includes two tennis courts and a brick storeroom containing one toilet and handbasin.

The successful operator will have exclusive management and operating rights of the tennis courts from 7am through to sunset each day to provide tennis court hire and recreational programs for the community.

The land where the courts are located is also known as part Lot 133 DP 36412.

Council gave notice of this proposal in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993. The proposal was exhibited between 24 May and 23 June 2022. We received three submissions.

View the community engagement report here.

The lease has now been approved by Council and granted to Voyager Tennis.

Koobilya Street Tennis Courts Lease Plan

Submission form - now closed

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Jo Tysoe, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

‘Lease of tennis courts on Koobilya Street, Seaforth’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.