Licence granted
Between Friday 17 February and Thursday 16 March 2023, we consulted with you on our proposal to grant a five (5) year licence agreement to each of the Newport Rugby and Newport Junior Rugby Clubs. The licence formalises their exclusive storage areas and shared use of the clubhouse and amenities for sport and recreation activities.
We received five (5) submissions. All submissions expressed support or conditional support for the proposal, with some concerns around noise and lighting raised. These have been addressed in the Community Engagement Summary Report.
We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback.
The licences have now been granted as per the proposal.
Porter Reserve is home to Newport Rugby Club and Newport Junior Rugby Club. Council has been working with the clubs to construct a new Porter Reserve Clubhouse Changespace adjacent to the existing clubhouse which is expected to be complete by Easter, 2023 weather permitting.
In preparation for its completion, we proposed to grant a five (5) year licence agreement to each of the clubs to formalise their exclusive storage areas and shared use of the clubhouse and amenities for the purposes of sport and recreation activities and activities ancillary to the core use.
Council is the Crown Land Manager of Porter Hall Reserve (R100179) and is required to give public notice of its intention to grant a licence for the occupation of the Porter Reserve Clubhouse, located at 3 Burke Street Newport (Part Lot 242 DP752046). Notice is provided in accordance with Division 3.4, Section 3.22 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993.
The Licences are subject to the consent of the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 in line with Clause 70 of the Crown Land Management Regulation 2018.
Licence plan

Have an enquiry?
Name | Leo Li, Senior Property Officer |
Phone | 1300 434 434 (during business hours) | | |
In writing | marked 'PA2017/0103 - Licence of Newport Rugby Club', Northern Beaches Council PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655 |