Construction complete

Porter Reserve is home to Newport Rugby Club and Newport Junior Rugby Club and is used heavily during the winter sports' season for rugby training, games and gala days.

The reserve has one rugby field, two smaller warm up areas and a recreational basketball hoop.

The previous amenities building next to the playing field had male and female toilets, but only one unisex change room.

The new Clubhouse features:

  • female change room with toilets and showers
  • first aid room
  • accessible amenities
  • canteen and balcony area
  • bleacher seating

This new clubhouse supports our community’s recreational needs and our commitment to the growth of female participation in sport.

Completed clubhouse

Completed clubhouse

Engagement outcomes

Thank you to those who provided feedback during our community engagement on the proposed sports amenities improvements at Porter Reserve. We received 187 submissions during the exhibition period held between Friday 18 June 2021 and Monday 12 July 2021.

Feedback indicated an overwhelming level of support for the proposed new change space at Porter Reserve Clubhouse, citing support of improved facilities for women, which would in turn facilitate an increase in the level of female participation in sport. The planned amenities were seen as an opportunity to grow the club and provide a positive benefit to the Northern Beaches sporting community more broadly.

Some respondents raised concerns about Council spending too much money on one field and suggested that other sports facilities also need to be upgraded. Others noted the potential impact on the surrounding residential area of over development of the nature reserve. Some respondents also suggested an upgrade to parking and road signage should be considered.

The full engagement report is available to read by clicking the button below.

Check out what's planned

View the artist’s impression and concept plan below.


Contact Information
Name Mike Chow, Senior Project Officer - Building Assets
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

Porter Reserve Clubhouse new change space, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.