Local Housing Strategy approved

16 December 2021

Homes for all

A local housing strategy outlines how and where housing will be delivered to meet the community's needs.

The NSW Government requires all Councils to address the short-term housing targets identified in the relevant District Plan through a local housing strategy.

The Northern Beaches Local Housing Strategy considers population growth trends up to 2036 and outlines our strategy to meet these requirements.

We publicly exhibited the draft strategy in early 2021. Feedback assisted in refining the strategy, which Council adopted at the meeting held on 27 April 2021.

On 16 December 2021, the Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E), approved the strategy, subject to these requirements for:

  • an updated implementation and delivery plan for the strategy
  • Council to expedite planning analysis for the identified Centre Investigation Areas of Brookvale, Dee Why, Mona Vale, Manly Vale and Narrabeen
  • planning proposal(s) for two or more of the Centre Investigations Areas to be submitted to the Department for Gateway determination by December 2022
  • Council to continue to progress and finalise the master planning and rezoning of the Ingleside Precinct (alternatively, Council should proceed with planning work that will lead to rezoning of one or more of the centre investigation areas or two or more of the housing diversity areas centres to compensate for housing not delivered by the Ingleside precinct).

Council proposed a locally specific medium density complying development model as an alternative to the Low-Rise Medium Density Housing Code. Additionally Council proposed seniors and affordable housing as an alternative to the new Housing SEPP (formerly the Affordable Rental Housing 2009 and Seniors and People with a Disability 2004 SEPPs) which were not supported.

The department’s requirements mean Council cannot pursue everything in the strategy. This includes exemption from the Housing SEPP which provides for different housing types such as seniors living and boarding houses.

Council’s draft strategy sought exemption from the Housing SEPP based on a proposal to provide these forms of housing in areas close to existing centres.

Council will continue to plan for a diversity of housing types near centres proposing to incorporate Housing Diversity Areas in the new Northern Beaches Local Environmental Plan and through its strategic planning projects, including the Frenchs Forest Structure Plan, Brookvale Structure Plan and Mona Vale Place Plan.

Together, these projects form the basis for the strategy's implementation plan.

Exhibition history and related documents

The local housing strategy looks at the housing mix in the Northern Beaches today, and plans for the kind of housing, and where it should be located, in the future.

Nearly 290,000 people will live in the Northern Beaches by 2036, an increase of nearly 23,000 people. Our demographic is changing so we need to create a more sustainable mix of housing types across our area to reflect theses changes

The strategy proposes a range of opportunities and actions across five priority areas and identifies relevant NSW Government and other agencies who may need to assist to achieve the vision. These include:

  • setting housing supply targets for five years and 6-10 years
  • developing a comprehensive approach to the delivery of social and affordable housing
  • establishing sufficient capacity to accommodate housing demand in and around existing centres
  • planning for boarding houses in appropriate and accessible locations
  • incentivising the provision of seniors housing in the right locations
  • proposing to investigate and support sustainable housing precincts.

A key consideration of the strategy is addressing the current and future shortage of dwellings for social and affordable housing. The gap between this and the total demand for social and affordable housing in 2036 (including the existing unmet demand) should be addressed by other levels of government.

Our contribution will be to at least meet the additional demand for social and affordable housing dwellings (1,880 dwellings) between 2016 and 2036.

View it in the flipbook below, or download the document here.

View the Council report here.

View the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report here.

View the SGS Local Housing Strategy Submission Summary Report here.

View the Council minutes here.

View the amended draft Local Housing Strategy here.

Supporting information

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Toby Philp
Phone 02 8495 6270
Email Council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au

Planning Our Sustainable Future

*The submission count may does not include all written submissions, or those received via email. These are reflected when engagement closes included in the engagement report.