Engagement outcomes
Project snapshot
Long Reef Headland is a very popular coastal walk used all year round by locals and visitors to the Northern Beaches. The highly utilised boardwalk and bridge section of the walk, located between Long Reef Golf Course and Long Reef Beach, has reached the end of its useful life. This section has been impacted by recent storms, resulting in coastal erosion and costly repairs.
We asked for your feedback on the proposed concept plans to replace the boardwalk and bridge, and relocate it slightly further away from the coast to minimise the impact of storm surges.
The concept plans were exhibited between 5 April and 12 May 2024 and we received over 150 comments.
Further details on the responses, including all comments, is available in the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report.What we are proposing
We are planning to replace the boardwalk and bridge, relocating it slightly further away from the coast to minimise the impacts of storm surges on this highly valued section of the coastal walk.
An Options Report was prepared with the preferred option (Option 2) being selected. A Review of Environmental Factors has also been prepared based on Option 2.
Not proceeding with this project will result in closing off this section of the Long Reef Headland walk.
Relocation of the boardwalk results in minor changes to two tees and a pathway on Long Reef Golf Course. We have engaged with the Golf Club and they are supportive of the current option.
An Aboriginal Site had previously been recorded in the direct location of the proposed works. An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment has been undertaken and it has been determined that the Aboriginal Site has been destroyed by natural occurrences (storm surges).