Endorsed by Council
Tuesday 28 November 2023
We asked you to share your thoughts on a proposal to name the unnamed lookout on West Street, Balgowlah, "Guganagina Lookout". The proposal was exhibited between Tuesday 30 May and Sunday 23 July 2023. We received 149 submissions, with a slight majority of responses supportive or supportive with changes.
Guganagina is the Sydney Aboriginal word for Kookaburra as documented in a collation of Aboriginal words in Jakelin Troy's book, ‘The Sydney Language’ (1993).
Kookaburras are known to frequent the Northern Beaches area, including Balgowlah. The name is considered fitting given the lookout provides a ‘bird's-eye’ view over Manly and North Harbour.
A report outlining the outcomes of engagement was presented to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2023. Council resolved to adopt the dual name of Guganagina ‘Kookaburra’ Lookout.
Council also resolved to install an interpretive sign to explain the differing Aboriginal words for kookaburra from across Sydney and elsewhere with the aim of, as best as possible, respectfully accommodating various views within the community and in particular our Aboriginal communities.
- View the Council Minutes (Item 13.3, page 8).
An interpretative sign was installed at the lookout and further information can be found here.
Image gallery
Further information
Professor Troy is a linguist and Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Portfolio at the University of Sydney and her collation of Sydney Aboriginal words is recommended for use by the Northern Sydney Aboriginal Heritage Office and the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.
Professor Troy quotes a number of sources of words lists compiled during the early years of the colony, largely by officers of the First Fleet. This includes John Hunter, Captain of the First Fleet’s HMS Sirius, who later succeeded Arthur Phillip as the second Governor of New South Wales. Following the initial early years of the colony, words lists are considered less reliable as a pidgin language developed as a more favourable means of cross-cultural communication. Professor Troy presents a well referenced academic linguistic analysis that explains the variations in pronunciation and spelling, differences in coastal and inland dialects, differences in how the words were recorded and interpreted and information on her phonological analysis, orthography and detailed grammatical notes.
Kookaburra is an Aboriginal word, being the Wiradjuri Country (in Central NSW) word for the Guuguuburra. However, that was not the word used by Aboriginal people in Sydney.
Council’s Naming our Reserves, Facilities and Roads Policy and the Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) Policy – Place Naming both support the use of Aboriginal words in naming geographical features and locations. Feedback from recent community consultation for other naming projects has revealed strong support for using Aboriginal and nature-based names.
The Northern Sydney Aboriginal Heritage Office (AHO) was consulted to assist in identifying a suitable name for the lookout. The AHO provides advice and guidance on Aboriginal heritage matters to many Northern Sydney Councils as well as providing a free educational program available for use by Northern Beaches schools. The AHO supports the name Guganagina Lookout and its meaning. Other Aboriginal stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback on the proposal.