
Outcomes of Council Meeting

28 June 2019

At a meeting on 25 June 2019 Council resolved to approve the Northern Beaches Council Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2019 and to:

  • approve the approach to impose development contributions on secondary dwellings and, in effect, rescind the former Pittwater Council resolution of 20 October 2008.
  • repeal the Northern Beaches Council Contributions Plan 2018, the Manly Section 94 Contributions Plan 2004 and the Pittwater Section 94 Contributions Plan for Residential Development 2015.
  • give public notice of the approval of the Northern Beaches Council Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2019 in the Manly Daily
  • approve the approach on the administration of the financial reserves associated with all repealed contributions plans from 1 July 2019, in particular:

a. The reporting of relevant plans in Council’s financial statements, the reserves associated with each relevant repealed plan be transferred as a consolidated amounts in a new infrastructure element labelled ‘Local Infrastructure (repealed plan) on 1 July 2019’.

b. Ensure that all funds held in the reserves of superseded contributions plans are spent in the same area to which the superseded contributions plan applied.