DA approved
Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club (MWGC ) received a grant of $5.15 million from the 2022/23 Centre of Excellence Fund for redevelopment of the site. These funds will go towards creating the Centre of Excellence for Men’s and Women’s Gymnastics & Trampoline Sports. The facility will become one of the State’s primary venues for community recreational sport, National elite training clinics, competitions and coach education.
Update - September 2024
Development application DA2023/1708 was referred to the Sydney North Planning Panel for determination. The Panel approved the DA on 27 August 2024.
Next steps
The MWGC are currently working with the NSW Office of Sport to extend the timeline for the previously approved $5.15 million grant through the Centre of Excellence Grant Funding. Additionally, they have submitted a thorough and comprehensive application for the remaining $5.15 million under the Federal Government Thriving Suburbs Program.
The North Manly recreation site is part of the geographic precinct known as District Park which caters to various community, sporting interests and clubs.
The Public Private Partnership with the Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club follows a multi-step evaluation process which began with a call for proposals from community and sporting organisations on the future use of the space. These proposals were narrowed down to five recreational uses. A targeted expression of interest process and rigorous evaluation followed, including community representation on the evaluation panel.
You can learn more about the process steps and project updates under the Updates tab.
Following exhibition (22 December 2023 to 8 February 2024), the DA was assessed and referred to the Sydney North Planning Panel for determination.
DA2023/1708 was approved on 27 August 2024.
Development Application DA2023/1708 was lodged with Council.
The Project Delivery Deed was executed in July 2023.
Following a pre-lodgement meeting Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club is looking to submit their development application for the construction of the much-anticipated new Centre of Excellence.
On 28 February, The Hon Minister Tuckerman MP, Minister for Local Government provided consent for the 30 year lease with Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club over part of District Park, Manly Vale, known as Lot 5 DP 829465 (being part of Lot 2743 DP752038).
Ministerial consent was sought following Council endorsement of the proposed lease on 22 November 2022. Consent allows us to continue moving toward the transformation of the former North Manly Bowling Club site as part of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club.
At the meeting held Tuesday 22 November 2022, Council noted the engagement outcomes and endorsed the lease agreement.
View the Council Minutes (Item 13.10, page 11) and Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report.
The proposed lease was exhibited from Friday 23 September to Tuesday 25 October 2022 and received 39 submissions. The majority of respondents supported the proposal, while others raised concerns around flood risk and a preference for the site to be utilised for other recreational uses.
On 23 August, Council endorsed a proposal to enter into a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club to transform the former North Manly Bowling Club site (corner of Kentwell and Pittwater Roads) into a 3,000sqm indoor gymnastics centre.
As part of this proposal, we intend to enter into a Project Delivery Deed and, following construction of the centre, grant a thirty (30) year lease with the gymnastics club who will redevelop the site at no cost to ratepayers.
Council is the owner of the land formally known as Lot 5, DP 829465 (being part Lot 2743 in DP 752038). This public notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993. The progression of the PPP and granting of the lease is subject to approval by the Minister for Local Government. If the partnership is approved by the Office of Local Government, Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club will be required to submit a development application to Council for assessment.
Submissions are now closed, and we are reviewing and considering all submissions received. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
On 28 July 2020, Council sought expressions of interest to give the recreation space at North Manly a new lease on life in line with a shortlist of uses.
A shortlist of five uses was established following an extensive Request For Proposed Uses (RFP) process, inviting organisations and sporting groups to put forward concept ideas for the site and canvas community need.
The shortlisted uses were:
- combined BMX, skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding facilities
- tennis facilities
- indoor basketball facilities
- small sided soccer (synthetic) facilities
- gymnastics facilities.
The land will remain in public hands with a lease agreement applied for up to a 30-year term.
Expressions of interest closed 6 May 2021 and, following an extensive evaluation process, a preferred partner was selected in April 2022 to commence negotiations.
On 28 October 2019, Council released a Request for Proposal for the site with the primary objectives being to:
- maximise community use of a currently unused site
- bring a sporting facility to the community that will meet the needs of a growing population
- stimulate social interaction
- prioritise its resources in other areas by seeking private capital for the development and operation of the recreation facility/Site
- foster partnerships with community and sporting groups to facilitate and promote healthy and active living – Goal 12 Community Strategic Plan 2040
- Our community has access to spaces that enable healthy and active living and allow for a broad range of creative, sporting and recreational opportunities to be enjoyed
- develop and maintain strong relationships to deliver facilities and targeted services and programs to meet community needs - Goal 22 Community Strategic Plan 2040.
- Our Council builds and maintains strong partnerships and advocates effectively on behalf of the community
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people. We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and the spirits
and ancestors of the Clans that lived in this area.
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