Here's what you can look forward to:
- New tennis & squash court facilities
5 new tennis courts will be built with a shaded walkway for accessibility, secure fencing, and upgraded lighting for evening play. Umpire chairs will be installed for official matches. Additionally, 3 indoor squash courts and spectator seating are planned, with the design allowing for an extension to 5 courts if further funding becomes available.
- Safety & landscaping enhancements
A 12.5 metre golf barrier net will be installed to enhance safety. Landscaping will include tree replacements, and stormwater upgrades are being implemented to improve drainage and sustainability.
- Pedestrian & community connections
An elevated pedestrian boardwalk is being developed to connect the tennis courts, Kentwell Road footpath, Warringah Golf Club, car park, and recreational areas. A designated pedestrian crossing will also be added to improve safety and movement.
- Improved accessibility & parking
A new western carpark and pedestrian bridge over Brookvale Creek is being built to offer more parking and safer access. This work will form part of a second stage and is subject to funding. Parking will be expanded to 125 car spaces, including additional EV charging bays and accessible car spaces. This dedicated access route from the western car park to the Warringah Golf Club will complement the new pedestrian entry points off Kentwell Road.
View the proposed Masterplan
Community engagement
Community engagement outcomes
We worked with Tennis NSW, Squash NSW, Warringah Golf Club, and our architects to develop a Masterplan for a multi-purpose sporting facility that meets the needs of our community.
You told us what was important to you when we exhibited the Masterplan from 6 May to 4 June 2024. We heard from 106 community members, and there was strong support for the plan, with key priorities focused on improving facilities, safety, and traffic management.
Sporting organisations raised concerns about squash court availability, the need for five squash courts, reinstating futsal courts, and accommodating pickleball and padel tennis. We listened, and while the broader community supports the Masterplan, we are working to address these specific concerns to ensure a balance between community needs and commercial objectives.
An ecological assessment was conducted to support the Masterplan’s development, and implementation will happen in stages. The western car park and pedestrian bridge connection will be delivered as part of future works.
Your feedback also helped shape the development application for the new squash building. A draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) was prepared alongside the application to assess and mitigate potential environmental impacts.
You can learn more about the outcomes in our community engagement report.
Site location
Development location

The site spans 17.23 ha, with the development area in the southeastern portion. The Warringah Recreation Centre is located at the intersection of Kentwell Road and Pittwater Road in North Manly, with Brookvale Creek running through the center. The proposal does not involve any works on the adjacent Warringah Golf Course.
Project history
Project evolution and progress
The Warringah Recreation Centre Redevelopment project has made significant progress since its inception in 2021. What began as a 20 year lease to Warringah Golf Club has evolved into a comprehensive plan for a state-of-the-art multi-purpose sporting facility. In 2023, a 3 year Construction Lease was established, setting the stage for the current phase where Warringah Golf Club is being relocated and Council is overseeing the construction of the new Recreation Centre.
Overview of the project history
Project background
- How is the project being funded?
- Why is a new recreation centre being built?
- Where can I play golf, squash, tennis, futsal, Brazilian soccer now?
Masterplan details
Media Releases
Media releases
Document library
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1300 434 434
acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Country on which we
gather today. By these words we show our respect to all Aboriginal
people. We acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging and the spirits
and ancestors of the Clans that lived in this area.
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