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Environmental foundations for future planning

We have prepared the Draft Northern Beaches Environment Study to guide future planning while protecting our environment.

The study is an important step towards a clearer, simpler and fairer set of planning rules for the Northern Beaches. The study identifies aspects of the natural environment that need protection. It clearly states why they should be protected and identifies opportunities for improvement to both the natural and built environment.

Recommendations in the study include a series of short-term and ongoing environmental planning actions that will support and inform the new Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).

To make it easier for you to navigate the study, we have created a summary snapshot and broken the study down into sections. If you have a little more time, you may also like to read the study in full.

The study was open for comment between Monday 20 December 2021 and Sunday 27 February 2022. The community engagement feedback is being used in the development of the Local Environment Plan and the Development Control Plan. Further community engagement on these plans will occur in 2025.

Draft Northern Beaches Environment Study Snapshot

We have prepared a snapshot which is a succinct summary of the study.

Click on the lower right corner to expand the view.

Draft Northern Beaches Environment Study planning priorities

Click on the tiles to read each planning priority and scroll to the last page to view the proposed environmental planning actions in detail.

Delve into the detail

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Planning Our Sustainable Future