Comments closed

Reviewing feedback

What's happening?

Comments on this section closed in April 2023.

We have reviewed all feedback received and drafted the Community Engagement Report.

Further engagement and other activities are paused while we resolve questions with our key stakeholders.

What is section 8?

Section 8 (Allambie Heights) of the Pipeline Active Transport Corridor is a 650m shared path linking Allambie Road to Ethie Road, crossing Mortain Avenue near Lena Avenue.

It is the last section of the Sydney Water pipeline and links Allambie Heights to Beacon Hill.

The detailed plans for Section 8 remain available on this page. We invited your feedback and input on the proposed plans, including suggested bench locations and two new raised pedestrian crossings. The local knowledge of our community helps us understand what's important along this section of the route.

Your say

We invited you to have your say on this section by:

  • completing the comment form
  • emailing
  • writing to us marked 'Pipeline Active Transport Corridor, Section 8', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.

Comments closed Monday 3 April.

Comment form

*The submissions count is manually updated and only indicative until the final community engagement report is published.

It reflects the total online submissions received by Council on the exhibited document, however, these may be counted separately in the final community engagement report.