Reviewing feedback

Project Background

Following a Local Traffic Committee outcome from Tuesday 5 March 2024 on the proposed traffic calming measures for Frenchs Forest south of Warringah Road, Council conducted further investigations and prepared a new proposal specifically to address the issues identified on Fitzpatrick Avenue East.

We investigated THREE options to reduce congestion on local streets and redirect majority of traffic flow to the main roads. This includes "rat-running” through the back streets to avoid congestion on Warringah Road and subsequent congestion build up on Fitzpatrick Avenue East. View the concept plans below.

Comments are now closed for this project.

We received over 300 responses from the community, which we are now reviewing. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback.

If you need to report an issue unrelated to this project, please go to:

What is proposed?

Options for restriction of Fitzpatrick Avenue East

Slide across to see the options.