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The Frenchs Forest traffic calming project addressed community concerns about speeding, high traffic flows, and "rat-running" in residential areas south of Warringah Road. Following extensive community engagement and expert recommendations from Transport for NSW, we implemented a range of improvements including:
- raised pedestrian crossings
- painted street entry treatments
- traffic control measures at key intersections
- kerb extensions and median modifications.
The project aimed to improve road safety and manage traffic flow while balancing the needs of residents and commuters. Additional measures to further reduce "rat-running" during peak hours were also explored in a separate consultation, Safer Neighbourhoods - Fitzpatrick Avenue East. Both projects have since been completed, with all planned improvements successfully installed and operational.
List of works
- Installation of a raised pedestrian crossing and pram ramps realignment at existing children’s crossing on Currie Road (outside Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School)
- Installation of a raised pedestrian/cycle crossing outside No. 27 Fitzpatrick Avenue East with a reduced height of 75mm
- Installation of painted Stamping – (brick pattern) for street entry outside the following properties:
- No. 46 Maxwell Parade
- No. 3 Fitzpatrick Avenue East
- Installation of raised threshold outside No. 45 Maxwell Parade
- Installation of raised threshold outside No. 6 Maxwell Parade
- Installation of painted medians and associated line marking at the following locations:
- On Fitzpatrick Avenue East at the intersection with Karingal Crescent
- On Fitzpatrick Avenue East at the intersection with Panorama Crescent
- On Yarraman Avenue at the intersection with Gilbert Place
- Kerb Extension, connecting footpaths and kerb ramps on Bantry Bay Road at the intersection with Yarraman Avenue
- Slow Point outside No. 25 Maxwell Parade and double barrier line marking
- Install stop control at Kanya Street and Rangers Retreat Road intersection
- Install double barrier and stop lines on Rangers Retreat Road at intersection with Kanya Street.
Read more on the project background and community engagement outcomes in the tabs below.
Update - 19 Mar 2024
Council originally proposed a range of traffic calming measures in the streets to the south of Warringah Road in Frenchs Forest. During October and November 2023, we undertook community engagement on this proposal with consultation letters sent to affected residents during this time. Public consultation was reopened in February 2024 to allow for further feedback from local residents. (See project background and updates tabs for details).
We heard a range of concerns from Frenchs Forest residents regarding excessive speeds that are inappropriate for local roads, high traffic flows and “rat-running” through residential streets in the Frenchs Forest area due to congestion on Warringah Road. Whilst the proposal addressed the issues of speeding, residents were not satisfied that the issue of “rat-running” and subsequent congestion on Fitzpatrick Avenue East was addressed adequately.
After considering the issues and resident feedback, the Northern Beaches Local Traffic Committee met on Tuesday 5 March 2024 and recommended the following:
- A request for TfNSW to investigate options, including modelling, for traffic light phasing at Hilmer Street and Forest Way intersections to optimise throughput on Warringah Road
- Installation of raised pedestrian crossing with associated kerb blisters and pram ramp realignment at existing children’s crossing on Currie Road (outside Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School)
- Installation of a raised pedestrian/cycle crossing outside No.27 Fitzpatrick Avenue East with a reduced height of 75mm
- Installation of painted Stamping – (brick pattern) for street entry outside the following properties:
- No. 46 Maxwell Parade
- No. 3 Fitzpatrick Avenue East
- Installation of raised threshold outside No. 45 Maxwell Parade and the raised threshold proposed outside No. 9 Maxwell Parade to be moved to a revised location
- Replacement of concrete medians with painted medians at the intersection:
- On Fitzpatrick Avenue East at the intersection with Karingal Crescent
- On Fitzpatrick Avenue East at the intersection with Panorama Crescent
- On Yarraman Avenue at the intersection with Gilbert Place
- Kerb Extension, connecting footpaths and kerb ramps on Bantry Bay Road at the intersection with Yarraman Avenue
- Slow Point outside No. 25 Maxwell Parade
- Install stop control at Kanya Street and Rangers Retreat Road intersection
- Install double barrier lines on Rangers Retreat Road at intersection with Kanya Street
- Further investigation by Council into the following options (to be addressed in a new project):
- Physically close Fitzpatrick Avenue East at Warringah Road
- No Entry to Warringah Road from Fitzpatrick Avenue East between the hours of 7 and 8.45am Monday to Friday
- No Entry at Karingal Crescent on Fitzpatrick Avenue East between 7 and 8.45am Monday to Friday
- No Left Turn from Panorama Avenue into Fitzpatrick Avenue East 7 and 8.45am Monday to Friday.
Design changes - 1 Feb 2024
We listened to your feedback on traffic calming in Frenchs Forest.
Council amended the design based on the feedback received.
The amended design was on public notification for the month of February.
A range of design changes were made directly in response to feedback received during consultation including:
- The addition of a raised shared pedestrian / cycle crossing, outside number 27 Fitzpatrick Avenue East.
- A reduction in the number of traffic calming devices proposed on Maxwell Parade from five (5) devices down to three (3) devices, and subsequently a change to their location (refer to plans for details).
- Modifications to the design of a proposed chicane at the intersection of Panorama Parade and Fitzpatrick Avenue to improve access turning right onto Fitzpatrick Avenue.
- A proposed speed hump has been removed at Fitzpatrick Avenue East at the intersection of Karingal Crescent and replaced with medians and double barrier lines.
- Adjustments to minimise parking loss including replacing three (3) proposed chicanes with raised thresholds and a slow point.
- Adjustments to improve access to Garner Avenue and Kanya Street, including replacing the chicanes at the intersections with straight concrete medians
- A proposed speed bump has been modified from a Watts profile to a raised threshold profile, to reduce noise and impact on cars.
- Removed one proposed pedestrian crossing at Yarraman Avenue and Bantry Bay Road in response to requests to reduce the number of pedestrian crossings on Bantry Bay Road. We have replaced this with kerb extensions, improvements to the footpaths and pram ramps.
- The addition of medians on Yarraman Avenue
- Replaced two speed humps on Garner Avenue with a slow point.
The revised plans can be viewed in the Local Traffic Committee 5 March 2024 Meeting Agenda.
We received ongoing concerns from Frenchs Forest residents regarding excessive speeds that are inappropriate for local roads, high traffic flows and “rat-running” through residential streets in the Frenchs Forest area due to congestion on Warringah Road.
Concerns have also been raised, that cars turning off Warringah Road onto local roads are still travelling at high speeds. Traffic volume and speed surveys have been conducted and have confirmed this.
We are proposing to introduce measures to reduce overall speeds within the area and to deter rat-running.
We consulted with the community in October and November 2023.
To improve pedestrian and road safety, the following traffic calming devices were proposed:
- Two-way line-marked chicane on Fitzpatrick Road East, at the intersection with Panorama Crescent (outside No. 8 -14 Fitzpatrick Road East)
- Speed Hump on Fitzpatrick Road East, immediately west of its intersection with Karingal Crescent (outside No. 2 Fitzpatrick Road East)
- Traffic calming in Garner Avenue (outside Nos. 8 & 14)
- Pedestrian refuge in Rangers Retreat Road (outside No. 22) and a chicane at the intersection of Kanya Street
- Pedestrian Safety upgrade along Bantry Bay Road (three pedestrian crossings) between Fitzpatrick Avenue and Yarraman Avenue
- At-grade threshold treatment on Maxwell Parade, approximately 15 metres south of its intersection with Warringah Road (outside No. 4 Maxwell Parade)
- Speed Hump on Maxwell Parade, immediately south of its intersection with Parni Place (outside No. 8 Maxwell Parade)
- Two-way line-marked chicane on Maxwell Parade, outside No. 16 Maxwell Parade
- Speed Hump on Maxwell Parade, between the intersections with Mavor Crescent and Tyalla Avenue (outside No. 28 Maxwell Parade)
- Two-way line-marked chicane on Maxwell Parade, outside No. 30 - 32 Maxwell Parade
- Speed Hump on Maxwell Parade, immediately north of its intersection with Rhonda Avenue (outside No. 53 Maxwell Parade)
- At-grade threshold on Maxwell Parade, approximately 15 metres north of its intersection with Currie Road (outside No. 4 Maxwell Parade)
- Raised pedestrian crossing with associated kerb blisters and pram ramp realignment at existing children’s crossing on Currie Road (outside Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School).
Once these works have been completed Council will request that Transport for NSW approve to lower the speed limit in this area to 40km/h.
Comments closed on 12 November 2023.
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and ancestors of the Clans that lived in this area.
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