Reviewing feedback

Project snapshot

Project background

Safer neighbourhoods for everyone

We are seeking to improve local streets for everyone in the Avalon Beach to Palm Beach area.

We are proposing to implement safer speed limits and new traffic infrastructure treatments, to make our local residential streets pleasant places to live and visit with calmer and quieter traffic, as well as making it safer for people walking, bike riding and driving in the northern part of the peninsula.

Our Road Network Future Directions under the Move - Northern Beaches Transport Strategy 2038 includes returning residential streets to the local residents through better network management.

What's proposed?

We are proposing to install new infrastructure treatments such as a kerb build out, traffic calming devices, and signage so that our street layouts are designed for safer speeds. We are also looking to add a raised pedestrian crossing at Whale Beach Road, near the intersection with Barrenjoey Road, and new street lighting to improve safety and visibility for drivers and pedestrians. In addition, we will re-align pram ramps and improve some lane widths and line marking.

We’re proposing a 30km/h speed limit in some sections of the Avalon to Palm Beach route (east of and not including Barrenjoey Road, as that is a state road - see zone map below). A slower speed is proposed in response to the unique geography and active lifestyles of residents using neighbourhood streets in this area. By establishing a comprehensive 30km/h zone, and a 10km/h zone in high pedestrian beachfront car parking areas, we are taking significant steps to ensure our streets are safer and to encourage active lifestyles. Traffic calming infrastructure treatments, combined with an improved road layout aims to naturally reduce vehicle speeds in line with speed zone changes.

  • Key features

    Raised pedestrian crossing: a crossing at Whale Beach Road, near the intersection with Barrenjoey Road, would make it easier and safer for pedestrians.

    Improved road layout: adding line markings and removing parking at tight bends would assist drivers to stay within their lane, improve visibility, traffic flow and access for waste and emergency services vehicles.

    Safer speed: to address a long history of feedback and requests from both individual residents and local Resident Associations.

  • Key benefits

    • Improved road layout to assist with better line of sight
    • Improved safety by reducing speed limits and an enhanced crossing
    • Increased community connectivity
    • Enhanced overall travel experience in the area
    • Improved access to important locations like schools, businesses and surf clubs
    • Better quality of life for both residents and visitors
    • Improved ease and safety for people walking and bike riding, providing better transport options for local trips.
  • Why it matters

    Research shows that when people drive at safer speeds, there is a significant decrease in the likelihood and severity of crashes and injuries. Safer speeds would also make our streets friendlier, with less noise and fewer emissions. It will improve transport options and encourage active lifestyles by making it easier and safer to walk and ride a bike in the local neighbourhood to local destinations.

Concept plans

Zone map

30 Km/h Zone map for Avalon to Palm Beach

View the concept plans

Click on each map and use the zoom function to see greater detail (5 location sheets and 1 overall scheme map)

Engagement history

Have your say

We invited you to provide your feedback from Wednesday 9 October 2024 to Sunday 24 November 2024.

We received feedback from over 300 community members. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit feedback, write, email, call or come to talk to us in person at one our community information sessions.

We are now reviewing the feedback we received to prepare a report for the Local Traffic Committee.

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Comments for this project are now closed