Works commencing September 2024

  • Project update - June 2024

    South Curl Curl SLSC was successful in securing the NSW Government Office of Sport grant funding to build the new storage room.

    Construction is anticipated to commence in September 2024.

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A dedicated storage space for the club

We have been working with the South Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Club to provide a dedicated storage space for their furniture and equipment.

The Club approached Council with a proposal to build a new storage room in the unused space located in the north western corner recess facing Carrington Parade. This will provide much needed additional storage space in the building to store furniture such as stackable chairs and foldable tables, which are currently left on the external deck.

The new storage space is approximately 3m x 3m and will be constructed within the existing footprint of the building.

We developed a concept design and asked the community for their feedback. View the community engagement report.

The room will be built with rendered and painted masonry walls to a height that mirrors the existing roof at the building’s main entry on the south western corner.

Construction works will include demolition of the section of concrete slab within the proposed location only, and replacement with a new slab.

Other proposed design elements include:

  • roofline type and height to be aligned with the existing main entry roof
  • rendered and painted masonry walls
  • exterior paint colour to match the existing building
  • new external double doors

The impact on access and use of the Club's existing facilities will be minimal as all works are external to the building.

The design plans have now been approved and construction is anticipated to commence in September 2024.

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Engagement outcomes

Engagement outcomes

Thank you to those who provided feedback during our community engagement on the proposed dedicated storage space at the South Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Club. We received 10 submissions during the exhibition period held between Monday 20 June 2022 and Monday 18 July 2022.

The feedback received during the consultation period indicated a high level of community support for the proposed new space. Most of the comments cited a good use of a wasted space and were very supportive of the community service provided by the SLSC.

In addition, comments suggested that the proposed location of the storeroom will not result in any loss of views from properties across the street. One respondent suggested that Council should consider rebuilding the roof structure at the main entry door.

The full engagement report is available to read by clicking the button below.

Final plans