
Community engagement update 7 March

7 March 2018

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback.

We have clarified the approval pathway, on the basis that the site is not a public reserve, the proposed lighting will be assessed under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

What does this mean?

Council will lodge a development application to construct lighting at Tristram Oval. The consent authority is Council but Council’s practice is to refer development assessment of its own applications to an external consultant.

Development applications are assessed based on the compliance of the proposed development to planning requirements.

How does this effect consultation and the REF

Council will continue to undertake the planned community engagement and still prepare a REF . The REF is a requirement of the Development Application.

What further opportunities will this provide for comment

Council had committed to exhibiting the draft REF to allow the community an opportunity for further comment prior to any Part 5 approval. With the change in development approval pathway, Council will follow the statutory process for DAs and the DA including the REF will be exhibited through that process. The notification process is managed by our Development Assessment team and is governed by regulations and adopted Council Policy.

Updated proposed lighting design

We have also revised the proposed lighting design to minimise light spill. See below links to the new documents to the document library:

The public exhibition period for the installation of new lights at Tristram Road Reserve has also been extended until Sunday 25 March 2018.