Consultation History

Section 2 - The Serpentine Bilgola

This page provides information on the previous consultation history only and is no longer active.

To stay up to date on the Coast Walk visit the landing page Connecting Northern Beaches - Coast Walk and +Follow the page for updates.

What was consulted on?

We are always looking for ways to provide more safe spaces for walking and cycling on the Northern Beaches.

We proposed a trial of a walking and cycling-friendly link within The Serpentine, Bilgola for 12 months.

The proposed link would provide safer road speeds and create a safer space for local residents and visitors using the Serpentine.

The trial would include:

  • more space for cycling with cycle lanes on the uphill sections of The Serpentine
  • a 10 km/h posted speed limit
  • planter boxes, pavement paintings and marked parking bays
  • regular check ins with the community to monitor how the trial is going.

The proposed safe cycling route was aligned with the Move - Northern Beaches Transport Strategy 2038's aim to double active travel trips for households, commuters and school students. The project was also aligned with various objectives outlined in the Northern Beaches Bike Plan, Walking Plan and Road Safety Plan.

Funding for this section was made available by the NSW Government’s Streets as Shared Spaces program and Northern Beaches Council.

Community engagement on the proposed path ran from Friday 23 October to Sunday 22 November, 2020 and received 415 submissions.

Project updates

Dec 2020

The outcomes of public engagement were reported to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 15 December 2020.

View the Council Agenda (Item 13.1, pg. 173)
Attachment Booklet 3 - Item 13.1
View the Council Minutes (Item 13.1, pg. 18)

In relation to The Serpentine, Bilgola, Council resolved as follows:

"6. Defers any action on the shared path three stages, Newport to Bilgola, Bilgola, and Bilgola to Avalon until councillors have received a full briefing."

At the meeting of Council in December 2020, it was resolved that the proposal for a shared zone on this section of the Coast Walk, would not proceed.

Nov 2020

Northern Beaches Council will not proceed with the proposed trial of a walking and cycling-friendly link at The Serpentine, Bilgola at this time.

We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback. We’ll continue consultation mid 2021 to explore other posssible solutions for the area.


Click through the three images below to get an idea of what the trial will look like.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Transport Network team (during business hours)
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

'Streets as Shared Spaces - The Serpentine', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.