Adopted by Council
Tuesday 27 June 2023
A report detailing the results of the Streets as Shared Spaces trial along The Strand, Dee Why was presented to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2023. Following a rescission motion, the report was brought back to Council on 22 August where it was resolved that the June resolution would stand and the trial would be made permanent.
View the 27 June Council Minutes for the full resolution.
What's next?
We will look to maintain the existing temporary structure and will seek funding to formalise the Streets as Shared Spaces one-way arrangements. Once we have a proposed design, we will publicly exhibit the design for further consultation with our community.
The surrounding walking infrastructure will be reviewed including lighting upgrades for existing crossings, formalising pedestrian crossings on Howard Avenue and Avon Road, and adding a crossing to Pacific Parade to facilitate safe transport routes for visitors.
During the extended trial, we collected additional traffic and pedestrian data for analysis.
We also spoke to local businesses and asked the community to share feedback on the trial. Between Thursday 11 May and Sunday 28 May 2023, we received 910 submissions. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
A report detailing the results of the trial, including community engagement outcomes, was presented to Council at its meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2023.
- View the Council Report (Item 13.1, page 171)
- View the attachments (Item 13.1, page 612)
- View the Community Engagement Report.
An extension of the trial for a further 12 months was supported at the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26 April 2022.
View the Council minutes (Item, 13.6)
View the Council report (Item 13.6) and Attachment booklet (Transport & Assets Item 13.6).
A report with the outcomes of engagement was presented to Council at the meeting on Tuesday 25 May 2021. The following recommendations were endorsed:
- Council adopt the trial for the Streets as Shared Spaces: The Strand, Dee Why.
- Staff brief councillors with an evaluation of the trial for the Streets as Shared Spaces: The Strand, Dee Why by March 2022.
- Council note the preference for the existing footpath to be allocated as outdoor dining and the existing parking spaces to be used as new boardwalk, and this to be reviewed during the summer peak season.
- Priority be given to additional pedestrian traffic measures such as new pedestrian crossings in the surrounding streets as requested during the consultation.
- Council formally write to the NSW Minister for Transport requesting a trial of small electric shuttle buses for shuttling residents and visitors from the B-line to the Beach.
- Council request that the NSW Minister for Transport trial electric buses on the various routes through Dee Why ahead of the State Government’s planned sustainable transport rollout and replacement of the fleet.
- Staff investigate options for improved parking opportunities and on-road cycling connections in the Dee Why area to complement the proposed Strand project.
View the Council minutes (Item 13.2)
View the full Council Report (Item 13.2) and Attachment Booklet 5
We sought feedback on a proposal to trial some changes to the street environment on The Strand, Dee Why through the Streets as Shared Spaces program. Our aim is to create a range of safe and enjoyable new spaces for people to enjoy and provide greater pedestrian and bike access.
We invited comments on this proposal between 22 March and 26 April 2021. We also held four face-to-face sessions to provide community members and stakeholders an opportunity to speak with Council staff, ask questions and share ideas. During the consultation period, we received 684 online comments, 37 written comments and one petition. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, you can read the community and stakeholder engagement report here.
We sought feedback on a range of proposed changes, including:
- one way northbound traffic flow between Oaks Ave and Dee Why Parade
- 30km speed limit
- existing parking lane converted to public space/seating
- reallocation of parking
- two-way cycleway replacing the existing on road lanes
- re-routing southbound bus services from The Strand to Clyde Road between Howard Avenue and Oaks Avenue.
This project followed on from a Streets as Shared Spaces 'pop-up' in late 2020 on The Strand, where we closed the whole road for a weekend. View feedback from this event.
The Streets as Shared Spaces program provides funding for Councils to test public space improvements that encourage safe social connections.